And it's on display in the nursery, which we diligently painted over the the "sea" and the "sand" is Aunty Ami will come and work her magic to create the "Under The Sea" mural......

So, of course, immediately following the scan and prior to us both going to work, just HAD TO BUY SOME CLOTHES (somehow, I can't imagine every walking into a department store again and actually buying clothes for me!!!):
So, we have the hoody and matching t-shirt:
Another t-shirt that has racing cars and reads "Fastest on the Track" (in honour of when he becomes a Grand Prix driver)....note the matching jeans with the racing car applique:
A safari shirt and jeans, and, the cincher, the yellow muscle shirt for underneath:
And a couple of gender specific ever practical wondersuits........
In case it wasn't obvious, the wondersuit above on the left has the following gorgeous print:
Ahhh, what a perfect day!
Teddy is now RIPing in our bin...... looks like tomorrow is a visit to the Goodwill store on The Parade for a new teddy (the old lady volunteers think that I'm buying for a neice or nephew as I go in every couple of months for the biggest teddy they have - they actually know me now! ..and I'm too embarrassed to tell them that the teddy's are actually for Baldric....
18 weeks
Vernix (a white cheese-like protective material) has formed on Boo's skin with the lanugo (soft, lightly pigmented hair covering the body and limbs) - both serve to protect your his/her skin during the months in water. Tiny air sacs called alveoli begin to form in lungs. Vocal chords are formed and Boo goes through the motions of crying but without air there is no sound. Features of your Boo's heart, including ventricles and chambers, should be visible during an ultrasound. Boo is now measuring about 14.2cm from head to rump this week and weighs about 190gm.19 weeks
Boo has the same awake and sleep patterns of a newborn. He/she has a favorite position for sleep and recognizable active and rest periods.
Throughout Boo's body, nerves are being coated with a fatty substance called myelin, which insulates the nerves so that impulses can flow smoothly. Scalp hair becomes apparent this week. It has sprouted and continues to grow. The milk teeth buds have already developed and over the next few days the buds for the permanent teeth will begin to form behind the milk teeth. If Boo is female the uterus starts to develop. If Boo is a boy, the genitals are distinct and recognizable.
He/she is swallowing amniotic fluid and his or her kidneys are making urine. Size is around 15.3cm from head to rump (mum - thats more than half a ruler) and weights 240gm.
Ami did tell us it was boring, but we honestly thought they'd be at least a few more solar panels.....there's half an hour we'll never get back:
We had to "give way" to this emu crossing the road:
To help you out, Boo is facing downwards in this picture (just lining up the exit for in 6 months!!) and there's a little bump on the head - this is the nose!
Just gorgeous, we think!
Next scan in 2 weeks, so stay tuned! (apparently, if lucky, the gender may be seen at 16 weeks!!!!)