Wednesday, November 28, 2007
23 weeks

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
22 weeks

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
21 weeks

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Another Scan!
This time, the sonographer offered to flick over to 4d, so we got a quick preview - although he's still a little young so a bit skeletal..... Also, that's the cord over part of his face on the right hand side.....
I can see Rod in him for sure!

20 weeks, 3 days

Thursday, November 8, 2007
Cousin Laura from the UK

Friday, November 2, 2007
Boo is a.........
We got to watch him swimming around lots and making drum playing motions - already becoming a muso!
Here's a piccy of our little son - 'aint he just grand:

So, of course, immediately following the scan and prior to us both going to work, just HAD TO BUY SOME CLOTHES (somehow, I can't imagine every walking into a department store again and actually buying clothes for me!!!):
So, we have the hoody and matching t-shirt:
Another t-shirt that has racing cars and reads "Fastest on the Track" (in honour of when he becomes a Grand Prix driver)....note the matching jeans with the racing car applique:
A safari shirt and jeans, and, the cincher, the yellow muscle shirt for underneath:
And a couple of gender specific ever practical wondersuits........
In case it wasn't obvious, the wondersuit above on the left has the following gorgeous print:
Ahhh, what a perfect day!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
12 HOURS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the one where we all HOPE and PRAY that Boo's legs are WIDE OPEN so we can find out whether Boo is a
Stay tuned (you know us - open books, so you'll all know too!)
So can't wait! So want to go to bed NOW so I can wake up and it's tomorrow!
Nursery - take 1
The demise of Baldrics latest Teddy.....
Well, today saw the last "cuddle" from Baldric:
Teddy is now RIPing in our bin...... looks like tomorrow is a visit to the Goodwill store on The Parade for a new teddy (the old lady volunteers think that I'm buying for a neice or nephew as I go in every couple of months for the biggest teddy they have - they actually know me now! ..and I'm too embarrassed to tell them that the teddy's are actually for Baldric....