Friday, November 20, 2009

Vacuum Frivolity

FUNNY STUFF! Xavier was "helping" vacuum today...then grabbed a part of the hose where you can easily dislodge a lever thingo to change suction, but it also then has a bit of suction on your hand.....

I shouldn't laugh, but it freaked him out for a second....lucky capture!

Brotherly Love

Xavier thinks the dummy is a pretty important part of life, and so by helping Aston with his, this is as affectionate as 100's of kisses!!!

More randoms.....

Delilah thinks this is hers and Aston gets dirty looks when he's using it:
Daddy wearing Aston:

Train 'em early, I say!
Finally out of all-in-one outfits and into separates:
Aunty Ami gave us this outfit after finding out that Aston's nickname is Squirt:
Asleep being worn by mummy:

During the heatwave:

Wrapped with dummy....two things he'd rejected until now:
Mesmorised by dangly things on the capsule:

Looking pretty serious but also seriously cute:
The boys: