We are now 10 weeks pregnant (56 days after conception), which is the beginning of week 11. Boo measures about 3.5cm and weighs about 5 grams. By the end of this week all the major organs will be in place. Over the following months before birth, they will continue to grow and mature. Boo's legs are now longer than their arms and the large muscles in their arms and legs have developed, forming thick bands of padding between their skin and underlying bones. The brain and nervous system are maturing, their muscles and nerves now working together to facilitate Boo's first movements. Initially the movements are only small, jerky and uncoordinated and Boo is far too small for the me to feel any movements within. Boo now has primitive reflexes and can respond to touch if stroked on the palm of their hands or the soles of their feet. Boo can now open their jaw and stretch. Their body is straighter and small ribs can be seen through their chest. Their digestive system is developing rapidly and they are about to have a growth spurt!
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