Measuring from the crown of head to rump, Boo is about 4cms and has all parts, from tooth buds to toenails. Boo is busy kicking and stretching with movements are so fluid they look like water ballet - too early for me to feel anything though. Fingers and toes have fully separated and now Boo's main task during the next six months will be to grow larger and stronger until he/she can survive on its own outside the womb. Boo now has the early components of sucking and swallowing (although not mature until 24 to 28 weeks) and the taste buds are mature enough to taste the amniotic fluid that surrounds him/her. Boo's baby's kidneys are now functioning and secreting fluid into their bladder - fluid that will soon be passed as a type of 'urine' into the amniotic fluid. This cycle of swallowing and urinating amniotic fluid continues up until birth.
PS - check out the counter - we dropped under 200 days today! yay!
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