Friday, September 28, 2007

Boo say's HI

We had an appointment at the WCH today, which we thought would be pretty run of the mill - the exciting part was that we'd get to meet our Student Midwife, Melissa.

So, we met Melissa (who's lovely, BTW), but the best and luckiest part is that the doctor that we saw today was really into "training" of the Student Midwife, so we got to hear Boo's heartbeat, then he got Melissa to do her first Ultrasound!

Bonus for us!!!

I couldn't see too clearly myself, as I was on that bad angle you get with some screens (think plasma), but Rod saw lots of movement and bouncing around - it was very exciting.

Boo is now just under 9cm, and it's quite amazing that I can't feel any movement yet, considering the party that he/she is having in my uterus!

So, here's another piccy. Boo's grow heaps since the last scan a month ago....

To help you out, Boo is facing downwards in this picture (just lining up the exit for in 6 months!!) and there's a little bump on the head - this is the nose!

Just gorgeous, we think!

Next scan in 2 weeks, so stay tuned! (apparently, if lucky, the gender may be seen at 16 weeks!!!!)

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